Notes for PHP/Laravel Package Development

This is not a tutorial or guide. This is about how I learn package development and some notes for people who want to learn.

My very first attempt to learn about the package development was this one from and it was very helpful. And another one is also again this one from After I learned from those articles I just realize it’s all about the composer. I read composer documentation and PHP: Composer by Dayle Rees.

The following video by dracony was very helpful.

Setting up a PHP project with PHPUnit, Travis and Codeclimate

When you finish learning from those articles and videos. You should be able to create your own PHP Packages.

There is PHP Package skeleton.

Laravel Package Developments

For Laravel Package Development, the official docs is very helpful to me. I use Laravel Packager package when I start creating my own package or when I want to contribute to other packages. This is a must install package for me.

There are quite lots of resources about package developments. The above lists and stuff are the ones I had tried and learn to create my own packages. I hope you enjoy reading and learning from the resources I shared.

There are other good resources…

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